Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dentallium shell was used by North American Indians as money for 2,500 years.
On the island in Micronesia, a piece of stone money is used as payment for fish.
The word dollar was derived from Austrian coin called a Taler. Taler was noted for tit's high silver content.
Paper money was first used in China. It was printed on bark paper in the 1300's.
In nature we find no duplication. No two leaves, no two blades of grass are the same.
Millions of human beings in our world, no two people are exactly alike.

    The men who do not smoke usually live eight years longer than those who do.


Gelatin is an important ingredient in marshmallows.

Is it possible to commit suicide by holding one's breath?

               No. There's a built-in system in your brain that can override even your strongest determination not to breathe. This system monitors the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide. At worst, the person who tries to hold his or her breath will eventually lose consciousness. The lungs will then start to breathe again automatically.


                  Electricity comes from the Greek word elektron which means amber. An amber is a fossil or a hardened yellow substance of a pine tree fossil which is polished by robbing a cloth and used as necklace or ornament in early days.

Electric Eel

               The body of an electric eel, a kind of fish in South America, can make enough electricity to light up 20 light bulbs.

Serendipity Berry

               Serendipity berry is a grape-like African berry with sweetness caused by a protein that is 3,000 times sweeter than sugar. It's unusual property was discovered by accident.

What makes me yawn?

               Your brain needs oxygen to work. It gets oxygen from the air you breath. Sometimes, you get tired or bored. Then you don't breathe in enough air. So your brain decides to do something about it. Your brain tells your body to yawn. You open your mouth wide when you yawn and that means you take a lot of air!

Open Wide

               Broncoesophagology is a business of getting things out of people's throat-swallowed and inhaled objects. Tools of the trade include the esophagoscope.

How did the Hand Salute originated?

               After the defeat of the Spanish Armada many years ago, a naval tournament was arranged for the victorious British seamen. At the request of a certain Admiral Drake, Queen Elizabeth consented to come from London to award prizes. The officer in charge of arrangements issued orders that "on account of the dazzling loveliness of her Majesty, all men, upon receiving their prizes, should shield their eyes with their fight hand." Thus was born the naval and military salute.

Monday, October 4, 2010

We Women vs. Men

              Women have a better sense of smell than men. Women also breathe faster, are twice as likely to suffer phobias, and smile more than men. Men tend to use humor more often to influence people, and are 20 times as likely to be color blind.

Green Vegetables Fight Blidness

               People who regularly eat leafy green vegetables greatly reduce their risk of developing a form of blindness that affects millions of elderly citizens.

Fruits and Veggies may Protect Lungs

                Eating fruits and vegetables may help protect non-smoking men and women from lung cancer. Consumption of beta carotene has already been associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer in smokers. Now it appears that it can help reduce the risk in non-smokers as well.

Mothers, used Iodized Salt

               To prevent iodine-deficiency disorders (IDDs), mental retardation and low IQ among your children, use iodized salt everyday.

Hold the Juice

               Infants below 24 months should not be drinking fruit juice in large amounts. Giving fruit juices to young infants ruins their appetite for foods that contain the nutrients and calories they need.

Funny Way t o Exercise

              If you laugh 100 times a day, it's about the same amount of exercise as spending 100 minutes on a rowing machine, according to Dr. William Fry of Stanford University.

Take Care!


              Never look directly at the sun through a telescope, binocular or sunglasses. Sunlight is so strong, it can damage your eyesight and even cause blindness.

Update on Kidney disease

               Kidney disease, according to DOH, causes 20 deaths a day in the Philippines.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The World's Largest Library

               The library of Congress in Washington, D.C, is the world's largest collection of books and information. It contains more than 100 million items on 5575 miles of bookshelves. 

Heady Stuff

               Your brain is only two percent of your body weight, but burns up about 20 percent of your body's energy.

See that Again, Please...

                Your ears provides stereo sense that helps the brain judge where and how far away things are. Ears also "blink" in defense against loud noises. 

Gutcha Covered

               The average umbrella last one and half years, according to industry experts.

The Saltiest Sea

               The Jordan River empties into the Dead Sea, but the only way water gets out of this sea is by evaporation. Because of this, it is the saltiest sea in the world. The minerals make the water more dense, which is why everyone floats on the Dead Sea.

Which Toothbrush Is Best?

                 It seems it doesn't really matter if you have even or uneven bristles on your toothbrush. In a recent study, dentists compared results with a serrated bristles brush, a brush with angled short and tall bristles, and a traditional flat brush. All brushes removed plaque equally well after one brushing.

Milk Neutrolizes BAd Effects Of Coffee

Drinking two cup of coffee a day takes its toll on the the body.Previous researches showed a direct link between the amount of coffee a woman drinks over her lifetime and how brittle the bones grow in old age.  

A Bird's-Eye View

If you had eyes as powerful s a peregrine falcon, you could read a newspaper from 100 yard away.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Falling Felines

               Scientists in New York City recently studied why cats survive falling out of tall buildings. In a study of 132 cats that fell are average of 5.5 stories, 90 percent of the cats survived. In shorts falls, cats land on their feet, but on longer falls they spread their feet and land on their stomachs.

No Sky-High Salaries

               Astronauts are paid according to their military rank, so they receive little extra for space travel. An Apollo 16 astronaut has reported $1.25 extra per day for his trip to the moon.

Every Car Need a Trunk

               It takes two acres of trees to negate the carbon dioxide emitted by the average car during its lifetime. To offset the carbon dioxide produced by the world's more than 375 million cars ,in other words, an area the size of Argentina would have to be planted.